Each bank and each payment processor has a risk management department. Depending on the effectiveness of the risk management department the fees for their reinsurance is rising or falling. Don't forget you cannot buy money for a discount price.
As soon the behavior of an account differs too much from the standard behavior from the other accounts of the same kind (private accounts, merchant accounts, bank to bank accounts, etc.) the system gives an alarm and the account needs to get manual verified from the risk management department. If you are running a real business than such a verification is not really a problem. You explain your business, show the proves, that you are running a real and trustful business and you get immediately access to your account and funds again. Other is it if you are ignoring the call for documentation from the risk management of your bank. In this case your account will get suspended and you'll get not any access to your funds until you transmit the necessary documentation and your explanation get accepted from the bank or payment processor.
Additional are all your transaction getting scored in an internal scoring system. This scoring system is getting used for calculating your credit risk depending on the funds of the company, her behavior by doing transactions, the upcoming disputes and some other parameters. A good example for this scoring system is the spending limit from the credit cards.
As soon the risk management of one bank terminates your account you need even not try to open an account at another bank because your data are getting shared between the banks. At least in Europe is this the case. It does not make any difference if the risk are a few thousand Euros over the insurance limit from your scoring value or if you are trading in millions of Euros. As soon as you are customer with a high risk you can only use cash.
That Charles Scoville with his business called Trafficmonsoon is a very high risk can get shown in the screenshot below where Paypal has canceled his account. The important information is not the yellow marked part. The most important information is getting found in the first sentence where is written: "... the balance will be available 180 days after the information that no longer allows you to process payments ...". The reason for this limitation is that the dispute time is three months. Paypal does not like to take the risk to lose money if a dispute is arriving in the last minute. Click on the screenshot to enlarge it in the case you are not able to read it:
The above screenshot shows that the funds from Trafficmonsoon are not enough for Paypal for securing their transactions. For this reason the account from Charles Scoville - Trafficmonsoon got terminated.
Charles Scoville has even invented a new fairy tale for getting less disputes for the remaining funds at Paypal and for getting more money paid out after the end of the opposition period. He has published this new fairy tale at his blog on January 12, 2016:
Thank you for being a valued Traffic Monsoon member.
Video Message From Dubai:
As you already know from the video, I'm currently in Dubai. One reason for that is to setup an office in the World Trade Center Dubai. Part of this process is also setting up a bank here, and having an additional business registration here in the UAE.
We're transitioning from using PayPal to opening our own TM World Bank.
VIDEO: Processor Account Balances For Transition:
Our goal with opening our bank is to send you TM MasterCards for easier access to your earnings! We'll also have complete control over the funds received by the company for revenue sharing, without any worry about the payment processors taking control of funds.
This will also increase quality of our services and reduce risk of click cheating, because with the bank we'll need to verify "Know Your Customer" documents to ensure that each member getting paid is uniquely different from all other members.
What this means for you if you use PayPal:
For the next 30 days you'll be able to still make purchases with PayPal. We're unable to process withdrawals through PayPal because funds will begin moving into Payza and our own TM World bank account to support withdrawal requests.
We do recommend that you start using Payza for purchases for now until we get the TM World Bank completed.
If you used PayPal for withdrawals, you'll be able to gain access to your funds with Payza instead during this transition.
There will be a space provided for you to enter your payza email address and begin making withdrawals of your earnings through Payza.
If you don't have a Payza account, get signed up for FREE here:
We'll be moving funds from PayPal to Payza, then our own TM Worldwide Bank.
Until the bank is finished getting setup, if you wish to make larger purchases unable to be processed through Payza or SolidTrustPay, you're welcomed to wire the funds to the following bank details:
NAME OF BANK: JP Morgan Chase Bank
BANK ROUTING: 124001545
ACCOUNT #: 734785868
Charles Scoville
My Address:
4927 Murray Blvd
Apt Z9
Murray, UT
The problem on this story is that even a bank need to have accounts on other banks and at this accounts have to be funds. Charles Scoville does not have some funds and other available values. Would he have some funds than he would have shown it to Paypal and his account would not get terminated. A company, which is running into problems with a bank, would not say it in public for avoiding negative publicity. Such a company will use the available funds for securing their transactions. The same way nobody is able to open a bank anywhere on the world without having some money. You need to have money or properties for securing all of your transactions. There is no difference if you are a private person, a company or a bank.
With the rejection from the risk management department of Paypal Charles Scoville's data will get found at the secret high risk customer list which gets exchanged between the payment processors and banks. For this reason he will not get any new account at another bank or payment processor.
The offered payment method from Trafficmonsoon with Payza is very risky too, because Payza is already subject of investigations of the U.S. Department of Justice. There is written at https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/victim-witness-assistance/obopay-payza:
"The United States government, including Homeland Security Investigations and the Washington, D.C. Financial Crimes Task Force, is currently conducting a criminal investigation. As part of that investigation, the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia has requested a United States District Judge to pause current civil litigation relating to Payza and Obopay. The Judge has paused the litigation until January 22, 2016. Shortly after that date, additional information will be made available on this website about the status of this investigation.
If you have questions or concerns about your Obopay or Payza account, please email USADC.OBOPAYZA@usdoj.gov or call 202-252-1903. Please include your name, email address, and contact information in your message. Someone will respond to your email or call within 3 business days.
Updated October 21, 2015
How much in need of money Charles Scoville is, gets shown in his blog posting, where he is even using for the Payza promotion his referral link https://secure.payza.com/?ZtQ4708%2f1zX1PKE5FlvQlA%3d%3d. By opening this link appears at the signup page "Referred By AdPageViews". The system from adpageviews.com collapsed last year between July and September. The Alexa statistics from adpageviews.com is showing this:
The same way will take now Trafficmonsoon. The referral program from Payza:
With our referral program, you can earn money by referring others to Payza. You will be paid $5 USD for the first 10 people you refer to Payza. After the tenth person, you will receive $10 USD for each referral. You will receive your reward money if your referral signs up for a Personal or Business account through your referral link and transacts at least $250 USD. When they fulfill these qualifications, you will be paid through your Payza account within 30 business days.
If you are comparing the system from Trafficmonsoon and AdPageViews with the system from AdSurfDaily than you will not find big differences. One fact about AdSurfDaily can get found:
Ad Surf Daily | USAO-DC | Department of Justice
This website has been established by the United States Department of Justice to assist victims of the Ad Surf Daily Autosurf Ponzi schemes.
That Trafficmonsoon is nothing else than a Ponzi scheme gets shown by the fact that you have to buy AdPacks, click on it and shall get for a $50 AdPack $55 in return. The problem is only that not one advertiser is so stupid and buys advertisements from such a system. For this reason you'll find only the advertisements from the traffic exchange and from a few scammer in the system from Trafficmonsoon. How you'll get the additional $5 earnings in this case? These earnings are coming from new members. As soon not enough new members are buying AdPacks the system will collapse.
Think about it why Charles Scoville hides his identity at the domain registration for all his domains and is now publishing in his blog his address and his bank account? For the domain registration he needs to publish even less information as he has published now. Does such a behavior is making any sense? Maybe the state attorney is now happy because he needs one signature less from a judge for his investigations.
That even the scammers are not so stupid and invest into a collapsing system is getting shown at the screenshot from the Cash Links taken on December 6, 2015:
Compare it with the screenshot from the Cash Links taken on January 27, 2016:
For all this reasons shown above you can be sure that Charles Scoville with his Ponzi scheme Trafficmonsoon tries to win time for maximizing his own earnings. As less people are filing a dispute at their payment processor as more money Charles Scoville will get paid out. Trafficmonsoon will never return because the people will not trust again. All excuses and fairy tales Charles Scoville is publishing have the only purpose to win time and to reduce the amount of people filing a dispute.
Everybody, which has made a payment during the last two month and did get nothing in return, should file a dispute. These ones, which have reinvested all their money, have now lost their amounts.