WOT - Web Of Trust - a good tool, but you need to use your own brain

by Rudolf Faix 26. July 2015 07:41

WOT - Web Of TrustWOT - Web Of Trust is nothing else than a free browser add-on which combines different warning sources like Malwarebytes, PhishTank, etc. with a community of users which are sharing their experience with websites, online stores, scams, untrustworthy links, etc. With other words it is rating system for websites which cannot get easily influenced or cheated.

Everybody, which likes to find some good sites for business - especially in the MLM and affiliate marketing sector, should use this browser add-on in combination with the other tools I described already at "Tools helping in evaluating the promotion and reality of affiliate networks".

WOT shows a colored traffic light next to website links to tell you which sites people trust for safe searching, surfing and shopping online: green for good, red for bad, and yellow as a warning to be cautious. The icons are shown in popular search engine results, social media, online email, shortened URL’s, and lots of other sites.

An example is shown at the following screenshot:

Sample browsing with WOT - Web of Trust

If you are accidentally opening a site which has a bad reputation you get immediately a warning like shown at the following screenshot:

Site with a bad reputation

From the toolbar you are able to take a look at the rating of a site:

WOT - Web of Trust - Ratings with comments

Following the link "View details and comments", which opens in a new browser-tab, gives you some background information about the reason for the ranking. Not all user are commenting their voting. You should read in any case the positive and negative comments and make your own decision.

Don't forget: Such tools can only help you in making your decision - they cannot hindrance you making a wrong decision.

At least can save this tool a lot of your time, which you spend normally by watching the time-waster videos of the illiterates. You'll get more information about the system and/or offered products from the comments than from the time-waster videos.


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I'm since more then 35 years in the computer business (programming and technical support) and using the Internet since it has started. Since 2002 I'm programming solutions for Asterisk and since 2004 I'm in the call center industry.


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