Survey Sites - doesn't it sound too good to be true?

by Rudolf Faix 29. June 2015 06:43

SurveyDuring the last few days I have reported about survey sites which are hosted in the Ukraine. All the sites have a free sign-up and are not collecting personal information. You need only to provide a username, a password and a Paypal or Payza account. That is all to start earning.

All the named sites seems to have one owner which is hiding his identity by using some privacy services.

All the four surveys can be done by a daily work of 30 - 45 minutes. You have to watch a short promotion video between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. After video finished you have to answer a few questions (not more than 10) by clicking into option tabs. So the working time for each survey is very short.

For the case you like to try one or more of the sites and one of the provided links does not open immediately simple press refresh on the site with the error message. The reason for that is that they like to promote their own sites by opening one of them in a new tab and the links from my blog are opening in a new tab too. Maybe they hope the can save some money for generating referrals by this way, but I think more that they have some script failures in their websites.

This sites are only time-waster. Be happy that you wasted only time and not money by participating at this sites hosted in the Ukraine for the case you signed up already. If you did not sign-up then use your time for something better

The reason is described in the article Phishing: Survey & News Sites hosted at the Ukraine.

Here you can find an overview about the promised earnings from the survey sites from the Ukraine:

Site # Surveys $/Survey Earnings $/Referral min. Payout Report
TempoQuiz 4 18 $ 72 $ 35 $ 1000 my Report
VacantSurvey 4 18 $ 72 $ 50 $ 1500 my Report
WhereSurvey 3 14 $ 42 $ 15 $ 800 my Report
WhoSurvey 3 14 $ 42 $ 15 $ 500 my Report
Earnings per day   $ 228      
Earnings per month (30 days) $ 6,840      

TempoQuiz has still problems with their video connection. I hope they are solving this problems soon. I cannot give any guarantee how long their system will be working and if it would be every day available. I'm still waiting for the payout from WhoSurvey and for this I cannot report if the sites are genuine or not. I'll report as soon as I got my payment or the 14 working days for receiving the payment are over.

Does such an offer not sound like it is too good to be true? For me it sounds like that. It is even good that such offers are not true, because nobody would do in such a case something other and the result would be that the prices for all products would rise dramatically if they would be even available. Even the Internet connection would break down and nobody would repair it as long as he would not be affected by himself.

For this you need not search for the "Holy Grail" - it is simple not available. Think about it that one, which has found an automatic money generation process will use the process in a secret way and will not publish it at the social networks.He will publish it only if he need your money, your work or both for getting rich by himself. Don't fire your boss for such scam solutions - you'll regret it.

My opinion about this surveys are that they owner of the server like to generate traffic that they can get some advertiser as customers. Normally you need for advertising customers, which pay for the advertising some traffic statistics. For this they are offering such scam and you should not expect that you'll getting paid by taking the surveys.

Take a look at my reports about

and compare the data it by yourself.


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Fraud & Scam

Comments (2) -

Haroon Basha
6/29/2015 8:32:17 PM #

The main question is anybody got any payment from these survey sites? I have searched heavily, so far I did not find a single person who has been paid. How long these people fools us and how long we will be getting fooled? These survey sites runs Google Adsense also, that means Google has their true information, why not the CIA or FBI go behind these survey sites?

Rudolf Faix
6/30/2015 1:44:56 AM #

If you like to put each time-waster behind bars, then you'll have countries full of bars.The CIA or FBI would be busy only for hunting them and the real criminals would be free.

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I'm since more then 35 years in the computer business (programming and technical support) and using the Internet since it has started. Since 2002 I'm programming solutions for Asterisk and since 2004 I'm in the call center industry.


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