As "the beginning of the revolution of monetary transactions" extols the Euro Solution GmbH in Cham in Switzerland their new virtual currency SwissCoin. In June 2016 they started it. In a brochure on the "cryptocurrency" they are luring: "Now you are also times from the beginning, when a worldwide movement arises."
SwissCoin does not get accepted by any money exchanging system on the world, you get free coins already for signing up, you get additional coins for bringing other victims into the system and you have no chance to use this coins in any shop. Which value can have coins from such systems? As soon as the company behind runs into problems or gets shut down you lose all your real money. Each pyramid system or Ponzi scheme breaks down as soon as not enough new victims entering the systems can get found.
The distribution model for Swisscoin was copied from Onecoin one on one and is the worst, it lacks the products. Swisscoin has no usability because the cryptic money has to be created first and cannot get used the next few years. The lawyer of the OneCoin procured in court an injunction, his office publicly warns from SwissCoin.
According to the imprint of stands behind this project a company with the name Euro Solution GmbH located in Baar / Switzerland, which actually exists. The business purpose got declared on April 18, as following:
Training and education in the fields of Internet and exchange services; Advising individuals and legal entities in the field of strategic and operational issues, the provision of services in this regard at home and abroad and trade in goods of all kinds; whole purpose paraphrase statutes in accordance
Did they not know that they want to establish a new crypto-currency in the market and why this did not get stated? A possible explanation can found in the fact that the company got founded with a capital of only CHF 20,000 (US$ 20,566 according the exchange rate from today). With such a capital equipment you can operate safely many companies, but you can never push a new crypto-currency.
Manager of Euro Solution GmbH is Hans-Werner Marquetant. About him you cannot find very much on the Internet - except to note that he acts or should act as Chairman of the Veto-Concept AG from Leipzig, Germany. He is already 74 years old. This sounds at first glance still reasonably well - until one has ever looked behind the scenes.
The Veto-Concept AG, headquartered in Leipzig languishes for years - more or less unsuccessfully. CEO is a Horst Wefer who turns 70. It can get doubted if he is still active in the company and developes crypto currencies. But the company still has a board of directors - Mr. Manfred Mayer. This man is known among networkers like a sore thumb for many years. Unfortunately, never with a positive sign, but always with negative. And now it is really funny - but not for those who go into the hands of SwissCoin. Because the domain registration of are abundantly clear about digestion, into whose hands they actually goes: In the hands from Manfred Mayer from the board of the Veto-Concept AG in Leipzig. The attached screenshot is worth a thousand words - just take a look at the email-address:

The imprint of gives the impression that it was dealing with a company established in Switzerland. This is true indeed - but only on paper. Because the Euro Consult GmbH has in Switzerland does not have its own offices, telephone, etc. That is recognizable by the c / o notice in the Swiss Commercial Register:
c/o EXECUTIVE Office GmbH, Ruessenstrasse 12, 6340 Baar
The phone number +49.3419746815 the email address are now data located in Leipzig, Germany and not from Switzerland!

There is coming a third company into the game for the reason that everything is as much as possible cluttered and unmanageable - the Euro-Invest Consult GmbH, also from Leipzig, Germany. In August 2015 this company got overtaken by the CEO of Euro Solution GmbH, Baar, Hans Werner Marquetant, 74, from the former CEO Horst Wefer, 70, in a more than desolate economic condition(!). The last published balance sheet of Euro-Invest Consult GmbH for 2009 includes, among other things this note:
The balance sheet loss included loss carry forward of € 27,885.69. Deposits on the other hand in the amount of € 5,650.86.
Since the amounts of the subscribed capital from this GmbH is only € 25,000, is the company already deeply in debts, basically actually already bankrupt! These indeed fits also that the balance sheets for the years starting from 2010 were no longer published.
In summary are on somehow three companies involved:
- Euro-Invest Consult GmbH, Leipzig, Germany - basically bankrupt
- Euro Consult GmbH, Baar, Switzerland - Reestablishment with only CHF 20,000
Veto-Concept AG, Leipzig, Germany - according to the last balance sheet from 2011 economically battered
The paid up share capital of € 50,000 has changed due to the loss carried forward and the current net income of € 1,934.13 to € 8,190.27.
Loosely translated, it means that no bank in the world would lend a single penny to this company, because they survive only by taking off from the existing substance. Unless the balance sheets starting from 2012 would not show any earnings again, but since those balance sheets did not got published, I cherish reasonable doubts.
The individuals are involved at
- Horst Wefer, 70 years old, CEO of Veto-Concept AG, Leipzig, Germany
- Manfred Mayer, 57 years old, since December 2011 executive of Veto-Concept AG, Leipzig, Germany
- Hans Werner Marquetant, 74 years old, Chairman of Veto-Concept AG, Leipzig, Germany
Managing director from Euro Solution GmbH, Baar, Switzerland
and since August 2015 managing director of Euro-Invest Consult GmbH, Leipzig, Germany
If someone is thinking logically then he will get it, that nobody can buy money and nobody can take out more money from a system than the amount of money is inside. Each little child knows already that the market price depends on supply and demand. Which value can have a digital currency which gets traded only by one issuer?