John Chow is calling himself at his Facebook profile John Chow dot Com. That is a reason for me to take a closer look at his work and his offers. First I have taken a look into his free eBook, what he offers.
The title of this eBook is "The ultimate online profit model" with the subtitle "The Ultimate Guide to Making Six-Figure Monthly Income on the Internet and Living The Dot Com Lifestyle". The Acrobat file has 50 pages. After title, content and self-congratulation the eBook starts at page 15 with an explanation of "The Affiliate Marketing Model" and the disadvantages of this model. At page 22 starts "The Affiliate Marketing Model That I Use". There he explains the model that you should be a real reseller of the products, create your own brand and collect the email addresses for your marketing activities.This system is absolutely correct because the money is not made with the teaser or promotion articles. The money is made with the repeating satisfied customers.
At page 24 he starts already with the tools you should use for your marketing activities. Don't worry he is a good businessman and has not forgotten to add his affiliate links to the tools. The tools, which he recommends are AWeber and LeadPages. For hosting of the high expected traffic he recommends the service from HostGator. As each online shop needs to describe their products and make promotion for it he is recommending his own services IM John Chow, Blogging with John Chow, WP Blog Videos and Work From No Home.
A dot Com millionaire need to get a a lot of traffic to this sites. Such sites should rank nearly to Google (Alexa global ranking #1), Facebook (Alexa global ranking #2), LinkedIn (Alexa global ranking #14), etc.
IM John Chow:

A typical site how is it today normal for affiliate marketing sites. You have a caption - in this case in the background graphics integrated - and a video, which is starting immediately. With other words nothing what search engines can use for generating their index for the site. The only machine readable text is the membership fee "Just $47.00 (Plus $47 a month if you remain a member of IM John Chow)" and the disclaimer from ClickBank at the bottom of the site. Such a site is normally a big secret in the World Wide Web. If you do not promote the site by yourself permanently you'll not get some visitors to this site. This get shown by taking a look at the global ranking from Alexa:

A global Alexa ranking of 1,500,000 equals to around 10 unique visitors a month, around 1% will click on a promotion link and from this one, which are clicking on a promotion link will only 0.5% buy the product if the product has a good promotion. With other words this site cannot be the source of his income. If you like to close or leave the page a script will hindrance you and like to give you a special offer. After confirming two popups you are able to leave the page.
Blogging with John Chow:
This is a special site. Here shows us John Chow that he even does not know that there are server site scripts available. If you are using an ad blocker in your browser, then you get the following view:

As we see the dot Com millionaire has no real content on the site. Such a site is useless and will not bring any visitor from search engines. Even this site is a big secret in the World Wide Web. The global Alexa ranking shows it too:

The above Alexa ranking shows us that this is not really the site from where the millions of dollars are coming. For this we need to take the next one.
WP Blog Videos:
At this site we see again that John Chow or his web designer has no idea about the Internet and the functionality of search engines because the caption of the site is a graphic, which cannot get read from the search engines. At least this site contains more text, which can get indexed from the search engines. Anyway the content is nothing else than the usual self praising and he like to sell on this site a training for blogging with WordPress in seven modules for $97.

One of this modules contains SEO (Search Engine Optimizing). I think about which content the SEO training can have if John Chow proves already at his own sites that does not have any idea about search engines. OK, this site has more machine readable content then the other ones, but the Alexa global ranking show us that even this site is not the source of his income - the site has the nearly the same ranking like the site

Work From No Home:
By opening this site we get a nice surprise from the WOT (Web Of Trust) browser plugin:

If we continue going to the site we get the next surprise (I have used another browser):

This site is not his income too. Why does he name it in this case in his eBook? Only for filling the space?
After seven pages of unbelievable praising his sites, which have no success, he starts promoting the business from Matt Lloyd of Perth, Australia: My Online Business Empire" ( and "My Top Tier Business" ( This promotion starts at page 31 and ends at page 46. This promotion is highly exaggerated that it only can be a SCAM. I'll analyze the sites during the next days.
Summary: John Chow started with blogging very early as the blogs have been coming up. He made a good impression with his blog and he has chosen the right topic at the right time. His first book has been "Make Money Online: Roadmap of a Dot Com Mogul". He generated a few more books about getting rich from his blogs, The books are getting offered at Amazon. I think that he made a good income with his first book, but like every time a followup is never so good as the premiere. A copy of this idea with the same topic is already not possible, because there are already too many competitors at the market available. The trial attempts from above are showing us that he is searching a new income method. He tries it by creating a brand with his name. At the above ranking values we can see how successful he is by doing this. He seems to be a good writer but the ranking values are telling us another story about his attempt to be a business man.
As we can see at his sites he does not have any idea about Internet business and SEO. We can find a lot of his fails at his Facebook page (.pdf (79.64 mb)) too. It is no shame to fail - you have to learn by your own mistakes. It is only cheaper to learn by the mistakes of others. In the case of John Chow I ask myself if his "Ultimate Online Profit Model" is based on experience or is the source only his fantasy? Where ends the promotion and where starts the reality?
The only one of his sites, which has a good ranking is My opinion is that this site gets visited from the readers and fans of his books. These people are hoping to get rich too. Especially he has the best ranking in India - a low wage country where most of the people are very poor. He gives to the visitors of his page the dream of getting fast and easily rich. The only one which is getting rich with such a system is site owner and the people on the top of the legal pyramid.

Google+ Profile John Chow (pdf) (44.98 mb)
LinkedIn Profile John Chow (pdf) (1.98 mb)
Twitter Profile John Chow (pdf) (1.97 mb)