Trafficmonsoon: Revenue Share = Loss Participation?

by Rudolf Faix 19. January 2016 10:17

Last week I have sent a support request about missing cash links to the support from Trafficmonsoon. I got the answer that the cash links are ordered from their members and are getting distributed on a first come first serve principle. Maybe the support staff did not take a look at my logins. As I have nothing else to do I'm normally visiting each Pay To Click site three times a day. If there are at least not once a day some paid clicks available the site has normally some technical problems. Such technical problems had Trafficmonsoon already many times as their programmers are testing their changes on the production system and they don't have some systems for testing. Normally Trafficmonsoon had delivered after their technical problems more cash links for a few days for compensating the losses of their members. For this reason has been the answer from the support staff been surprising and Trafficmonsoon is during the last few days only delivering fractions of cents as daily earnings for their members.

Before a company is running into bankruptcy is the company trying to rescue themselves with all available possibilities. As more the company is running into troubles as more unbelievable is coming their promotion for winning new customers. In the case of is it the same with the following screenshot of their promotion (click on the picture to see it full size if necessary):

The above screenshot has been taking from a landing page from ( - link removed as domain does not exist anymore Jan. 18, 2017). It is not the page from a user of Trafficmonsoon because the referral link is missing. The page got advertised at Clixsense.

The disclaimer in the brackets near to the promoted earnings of $10.395 in a month, which says that "Results not typical. This proof of income is not a guarantee you would earn the same, but would be possible to earn this and more with equal or greater strategy and work ethic." is already confirming the misleading promotion and the scam.

If we take the FAQ from Trafficmonsoon, we'll find there as highest income example: "1000 referrals X $0.10 earnings from cash links X 30 days = $3,000 from your referral clicks". That means to reach a payout from $10,000 you need to have 3,333 referrals! I think everybody knows how difficult it is to find and to keep referrals in such systems.

The British statesman Sir Robert Walpole (1676-1745) has been the first Prime Minister in British history. From him is coming the proverb: "Every man has his price." Think now about it if such a company has 20 members which have 3,333 referrals each and each of this referrals would have in average 10 referrals and calculate the monthly payout for 3 level down:

Level Members Earnings from Referrals Own Earnings Sum
Top Level 20 $ 199,980 $ 60 $ 200,040
1. Referral Level 66,660 $ 1,999,800 $ 199,980 $ 2,199,780
2. Referral Level 666,600 $ 19,998,000 $ 1,999,800 $ 21,997,800
3. Referral Level 6,666,000   $ 19,998,000 $ 19,998,000
Total 7,399,280     $ 44,395,620

If we are honest with ourselves, who would not think about a way to disappear for less than 44 million dollars instead of paying it to the members?

In the above example are only the 20 Top level members earning $ 10,000/month. The members of the 1st and 2nd level are only earning $ 33/month and these one from the 3rd level only $ 3/month. Such a construction is very unstable and a lot of members would get lost in a short time.

To generate such earnings you need to find companies which are buying from you 7,399,280 * 10 advertisments per day * 30 days per month * (2,219,784,000 advertisements) for the paid advertisements and the same amount again for the unpaid advertisements which a user has to click for earning from his referrals (in sum 4,439,568,000 advertisements).

In the above payment model needs to get each of this advertisement to get paid with $ 0.02 for paying the clicker with $ 0.01 and his referral with $ 0.01 as the owner from Trafficmonsoon makes the job just for having fun. You'll find that information at their Ad Plans site:

$1.00 => 50 visitors = $0.02 per click. $0.01 goes to clicker, and $0.01 goes to sponsor
Visitor remains on your site 30 seconds

$1.00 => 25 visitors = $0.04 per click. $0.02 goes to clicker, and $0.02 goes to sponsor
Visitor remains on your site 60 seconds

To qualify for referral click earnings from these links, you must have clicked a minimum of 10 ads in the traffic exchange within the last 24 hours.

As Trafficmonsoon is not earning with the cash links, they are not interested to get some and for this reason is Trafficmonsoon the members cheating with cash links, which are expired just at the moment as the member has to enter the confirmation code after seeing the advertisement (click at the picture for full size):

Expired ad after showing it to the member

Such advertisements can get easily identified. They are appearing in the top left corner of the advertisement list and are mostly higher priced to lead members to click on them. If you don't click on them they are disappearing by themselves after 2 or 3 other clicked advertisements. You can avoid them by start clicking in the middle of the offered advertisement list or by starting to click at the lower right end of the list.

The behavior of this advertisements with the message "Sorry, ad expired" shall look like a programming failure, but is in reality the way how Trafficmonsoon is making money by scamming their users and financing their own expenses from the cash links. it does not make any sense for Trafficmonsoon to show their own site at the cash links because the user is already a member. The Alexa system cannot get impressed by it, because the user is already at the site and the advertisements are getting shown only in a frame. Such a paid advertisement gets shown in the following screenshot - frames inside a frame (click on the pic to enlarge):

Screenshot of showing frames inside a frame with error message

Another way Trafficmonsoon is making money with cash links is with wrong captchas. I have written already in the article "TrafficMonsoon - seems got programmed from absolutely beginners - even the captcha is not working correctly" about it. From time to time you get the error message "Wrong Click!" but you have really entered the captcha correct:

Screenshot of the error message "Wrong Click!"

If this happens to you, simple close the browser window, open a new one, go to and watch the advertisement again. You'll get a new captcha, which is working.

At first I have been thinking that these are the errors from underpaid programmers or programming beginners, but as we can see has the madness a method and a reason - making money for the owner of Trafficmonsoon!

Trafficmonsoon has the opinion to watch their count-down bar is more important than to scroll down at the advertisement. This contradicts their sentence at their offer of paid clicks, where is written: "Cash links are a great way to show other members what else you're involved with, and invite them to join you.". In this case I remember only the following quotation: "Please forgive them, they are not knowing what they are doing.":

Screenshot that they are not knowing what they are doing

Another nice advertisement is the following one. I don't think that anyone pays to show an empty page and pays $0.02 for viewing it:

Screenshot from an empty website where I got $0.02 for viewing it

The owner from likes even to impress with false information. In the following screenshot he likes to impress with the huge amount of traffic they are receiving or generating. The problem is only that nobody shall believe this because if the webserver can show the content of this site then he would be able to show the real content too. Overloaded webserver are acting different by simple stopping sending some responses to the browser and not a sorry message like in the following screenshot shown:

Screenshot with the message "Our website has become overloaded with traffic."

Coming back to the calculation example from the beginning where we need around 4 billion advertisements viewed to reach the monthly income of $10,000 for 20 people each. Let us take a look where the traffic from Trafficmonsoon is getting generated. A view at the Alexa global ranking - Adience Geography tell us the following: Audience Geography for

We see in the screenshot above that the main traffic from Trafficmonsoon is coming from the "poor" countries Russia, India, Ukraine, Brazil, Mexiko, etc. Sure advertisement is getting done all over the world because companies like to sell their products. But are these companies from these countries spending between $ 0.02 and $ 0.04 per view? Like shown above is the generated traffic useless because members are even not allowed to scroll inside the page. The most viewers from the advertisements are only interested to get paid and not into the product. For this reason is Trafficmonsoon a closed system, which does not get accepted from the advertising industry. I see how one advertising company would tease the other one with the words: "You really need already to pay that someone is watching your advertisements?". Sorry, but here is it going about the reputation from the advertising and creative industry. Already for this reason you'll not find some real advertisements at the Pay To Click (PTC) websites.

You'll find only advertisements from the kind of getting quick rich at the Paid To Click (PTC) sites. Some users are hoping to find some people which are more stupid than themselves and are paying for a dream. These stupid ones are already less accessing the system from like it get shown in the Alexa global traffic statistics:

Alexa Traffic Ranks for

The above Alexa global ranking of the website shows us the flash in the pan from the rise and fall of Trafficmonsoon. During the last three months has Trafficmonsoon 194 places lost in the global ranking of the world wide websites.

If we take a look at the next screenshot where the question "How engaged are visitors to" gets answered, than we see that the pageviews per visitor got reduced more than 52% during the last three months and the bounce rate increased with 4% in the same time:

Alexa - How engaged are visitors to

The search traffic for Trafficmonsoon increased during the same time by 7%, but take a look which keywords are getting used to find The search traffic is only coming from visitors, which are too lazy to enter the full web address for - Where do's visitiors com from? - Search traffic

As expected is the most of the traffic for coming from Google, Facebook and other Paid To Click (PTC) sites. That means a lot of people are getting paid at and for viewing the advertisements from Trafficmonsoon: - Upstream sites for

As a lot of advertisements with fake screenshots of earnings are done for Trafficmonsoon in the social networks, I like to show my real earnings (not edited) from for daily clicking on their ads since a few months:

Trafficmonsoon earnings page for the work of a few months

Charles Scoville calls himself to be the CEO from Trafficmonsoon. If it is true or not cannot get verified because the site is registered with a hidden ownership. Which kind of person Charles Scoville is gets shown at his other domains with the names, and In my opinion is he a man with an exaggerated craving. This gets shown already at the chosen domain names, where he likes to build up a brand by using his names. This would be difficult because he has been the owner of the following sites, which got already shutdown:


Trafficmonsoon is a closed system, where the members of the system are generating useless traffic for each other. The system is nothing else than a Ponzi scheme which will break down as soon as not enough new members are joining it to pay the existing members. Trafficmonsoon promises 10% earnings in a short time for the investor and 10% earnings for the referrer of the investor.

Scammed victims from Trafficmonsoon are getting found at Google. Under these victims you can find Shoemoney with a loss of $125 too.

Other reviews about Trafficmonsoon can get found at:

At Facebook we find a page where 12 hours ago got written:

Still no news from that infamous PayPal meeting yet!
Why don't you phone them up Charles, like an enterprising lady called Jane who contacted Paypal in Australia directly.
Guess what they told her?
Not exactly how Charles told it is it? Remember? He said he VOLUNTARILY LEFT THEM. Lies. Lies. Lies!
But don't take our word for it, PHONE PAYPAL yourselves!

Facebook postings need to get carefully interpreted. Especially if the author hides himself behind a pseudonym like in this case. For the case if it is true what is written there than Trafficmonsoon has already a big problem. Paypal does not freeze an account without reason.


Pay to Click (PTC) provider Tries a Commercial Suicide

by Rudolf Faix 18. January 2016 04:27

Littlebux is a typical Pay To Cick (PTC) provider. Their domain got registered at September 19, 2014 - 1 year and 119 days ago. Until now they have tried not be a scam site, but now they are getting greedy by changing their payout structure. They are thinking that nothing can happen to them, because they are using a privacy protection service for their domain and no business address is written on their site.

Until now they had a payout between US$ 0.05 and US$ 0.06 per day for their free members. Free members got 4 daily advertisements with a payout of US$ 0.01 each and in average 15 advertisements with a payout of US$ 0.001 each. Paid members get a higher payout for their own clicks and for the clicks of their referrals.

Compared with other Paid to Click (PTC) providers have been on the lower end in their payment structure. An example from the sites, where I have received money as a free member are:

  1. US$ 0.20/day are in average paying the incompetent script kiddies from

  2. US$ 0.08/day in average is paying

  3. US$ 0.05/day in average is paying, which is already 9 years at the market and do not hide their domain ownership behind an anonymizing service.

With the following posting has the admin (no real name available) announced at the littlebux forum the changes (reducing the payout by 33% for free members) for the free members on Sunday January 17, 2016:

Hi everybody!

I feel like it was yesterday that I was writing the first official topic for LittleBux. So much time has gone by (About 5 months actually) since then, and we're beginning to get a place in this industry as one of the leaders. We are nowhere near that, but we are getting there.

Since we started, we have paid out more than $100,000 to all of you wonderful users. I must admit, when I first started this project, I didn't imagine that we would have reached such an amazing milestone so early on. It's truly amazing to see how rapidly we've grown and how well the industry are treating us. During the next few weeks, we'll have some exciting news for you!

Standard Members Rates IMPORTANT
As of this moment, we have decided to lower the advertisement value for standard membersto $0.005 for the daily advertisements. (Previously $0.01). I know that this change will probably meet a lot of resistance from our standard members - however, it is only done in order to ensure the stability of LittleBux - not necessarily now, but more importantly - in the future.

This change will only affect standard members and only have an affect on the dailyadvertisements. Again, to be clear: your referrals earnings will not be affected by this change.

We've released our first AdAlert feature (which is currently only available for our and members).

Once a new advertisement is made available at LittleBux, you'll receive a text message, directly to your mobile phone with an alert! Simply go to your account settings, enable AdAlert, and enter your phone number.

We are currently working on an AdAlert feature for our Standard/Golden members as well.

What will the future bring?
We can't say for sure (if we could, we'd be in another business). One thing we can say though, is that it will not be dull. We have a lot of things planned for 2016, which includes a lot of new features that will help you manage your account and new ways of earning. More news about this very soon.

Upgrade Promotion SALE
We've kicked in 2016 with quite a bang. Almost 100,000 members in less than 6 months, and a total withdrawn sum of over $100,000. That has to be some of the best statistics for a new founded site. You are the reason for that.
That's why we are starting the year with an incredible discount on all our memberships - save up to $50:

Prices for new new upgrades and/or membership extensions:

One Year = $75

One Year = $285

One Year = $705

Click here to see our plans.

These promotions will be available until 18/01 15:00 (servertime)

Already the short time, which is the special offer for the paid memberships is available (less than one day) shows the scam and how needy Littlebux is. It seems that they cannot pay already the hosting fees.

The next problem is that even for the golden membership you'll need at least 13 referrals, which are staying and clicking a full year on the advertisements to earn the same amount like a free member. You are only making no loss in this case if Littlebux is not changing in their payout structure again. As they are trying already a commercial suicide by reducing the payout for the free members in the high of 33% (US$ 0.02) per day you have no guarantee for the future that they will repeat to try the suicide for the case they'll survive now.

If someone takes a look at the homepage from than you'll see that they have actually 171,771 users and paid out the sum of US$ 105,625.02. If you think now that $105,625.02 is an impressing sum, you need only divide this sum by the amount of users to see that in average got each user paid US$ 0.6149. As their minimum payout is US$ 2.00 you'll can calculate that in average got less than 52,812 from the 171,771 users got paid until now! In this business are seldom some people so stupid and pay a high fee for a membership as they cannot be sure that the site will not change into a scam site like Littlebux now. I think that the paid members can get counted by using the fingers of one hand as Littlebux is only selling yearly memberships.

I have no pity for the stupid ones, which are paid members at Littlebux, and are now making a loss for the reason of losing their referrals. These are the guinea pigs from amateur businessmen and marketing deadbeats. The reason for such changes are mostly the greediness or the wish of getting rich quick from the site owners. Such a behavior like changes at the Littlebux site are in Europe forbidden by the consumer protection law. Maybe one European member brings them in front of the law court for the case Littlebux is surviving the commercial suicide. In any case I hope that a lot of users are now learning that they are not able to buy money for a discount price.

The domain registration data from

Registry Domain ID: 1876315820_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2015-08-16T13:13:37Z
Creation Date: 2014-09-18T09:40:30Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2017-09-18T09:40:30Z
Registrar:, Inc.
Registrar IANA ID: 625
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Whois Agent
Registrant Organization: Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Registrant Street: PO Box 639
Registrant City: Kirkland
Registrant State/Province: WA
Registrant Postal Code: 98083
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1 4252740657
Registrant Fax: +1 4259744730
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Whois Agent
Admin Organization: Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Admin Street: PO Box 639
Admin City: Kirkland
Admin State/Province: WA
Admin Postal Code: 98083
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1 4252740657
Admin Fax: +1 4259744730
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Whois Agent
Tech Organization: Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Tech Street: PO Box 639
Tech City: Kirkland
Tech State/Province: WA
Tech Postal Code: 98083
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1 4252740657
Tech Fax: +1 4259744730
Tech Email:
Name Server:
Name Server:
DNSSEC: Unsigned Delegation
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.1 7203101849
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2016-01-17T17:17:39-07:00 <<<

Update January 19, 2016: The new membership fees from Littlebux got published. The Golden: US$ 90/year, Ruby US$ 310/year, Ultimate US$ 755/year. You need now 16 referrals for the golden, 24 referrals for the ruby and 58 referrals for the ultimate membership, which are active on the site for one year, to get a few dollars more than a standard/free member. You know how hard it is to find some referrals and keep them active on the site. Additional you need to be sure that the terms and conditions will not change today or tomorrow again. You have no guarantees that such changes will not happen during the next day or weeks and for this reason I call the actual changes to be a "commercial suicide".

You should ask yourself the question: "How long will stay a standard/free member on the site if he sees that he needs between 50 and 67 days to reach the minimum payout sum of US$ 2.00?". All new members will start as a standard/free member. Only when they are reaching the necessary referrals they will take the risk to upgrade for a paid membership.

Update Jan. 18, 2017: Links for removed as the domain does not exist anymore.


Scammer: - Eric Goettman

by Rudolf Faix 20. December 2015 12:52

The difference between promotion and reality gets very good shown at the page of a scammer. In this case the page from Eric Goettman is a very good example for misleading advertisements. The lie of the advertisement can get easily identified. The promotion at shows us the misleading information that you get $12 signup bonus:

The misleading promotion from - Eric Goettmann

That the above promotion is a big lie gets already shown in their own explanations. Cashsurfingnetwork is "40,000 members strong" and declares that "our companies have paid out $ 20,180 in commissions and prices". I think everybody can make a mental calculation that 40,000 members who got $12 is making a sum of $480,000 instead of $20,180. $20,180 divided in 40,000 members makes around $0.50 for each member.

The site got registered on May 17, 2013 - 2 years and 213 days ago. The site is in sum running already 943 days. All the members did not sign up yesterday. If the promise of "guaranteed $1.00 a day" would be true and only 33% of their members would be active then they would have paid until now more than $10 million instead of the promoted $20,180 (40,000 members * 33% * 943 days * $1 = $12,447,600)!

In U.S. is the Federal Trade Commission responsible for prosecuting misleading promotion. At the FTC site "Truth in Advertising" we find the explanation of the law in the U.S.:

When consumers see or hear an advertisement, whether it’s on the Internet, radio or television, or anywhere else, federal law says that ad must be truthful, not misleading, and, when appropriate, backed by scientific evidence. The Federal Trade Commission enforces these truth-in-advertising laws, and it applies the same standards no matter where an ad appears – in newspapers and magazines, online, in the mail, or on billboards or buses. The FTC looks especially closely at advertising claims that can affect consumers’ health or their pocketbooks – claims about food, over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, alcohol, and tobacco and on conduct related to high-tech products and the Internet. The FTC also monitors and writes reports about ad industry practices regarding the marketing of alcohol and tobacco.

When the FTC finds a case of fraud perpetrated on consumers, the agency files actions in federal district court for immediate and permanent orders to stop scams; prevent fraudsters from perpetrating scams in the future; freeze their assets; and get compensation for victims.

In Europe is it law that each promotion needs to get fulfilled. The consumer is able to bring companies with misleading promotion in front of law court to get the promises done in the advertising.

If you sign up at you'll not get the $12 promised at their promotion. You'll get nothing and for this reason you are already allowed to call Eric Goettman to be a scammer and fraudster, because he lies already at his splash page. After signing up you'll find a few steps, which you have to fulfill to get in sum $12. You have to sign up and surfing at six other sites. Each of these sites should pay $2:

Memberpage with steps to get $ 12

This procedure is not stated in the promotion from and for this has this procedure nothing to do with the promotion. Anyway, even if you are signing up at the six other sites you'll not get the $12.

If you like to sign up at you'll get warned from Adguard that the site is a well-known phishing site. Normal users should not follow the link:

Adguard warning from, a well-known phishing page

Anyway, I know what I'm doing and how to protect myself and signed up there too. Each of the six sites likes to pull a lot of your hard earned money out of your pocket during the signing up process. During the "one-click" sign-up process you have to click away at least three offers from each site. The one click sign up process is for this reason a big lie too. The only one which likes to get rich quick and can get rich if he finds enough stupid ones, which believing his offers, is Eric Goettman - the owner of the site I'm not belonging to the stupid ones, which are paying for promises. I signed up at all the sites as a free member, because nobody can sell money without some earnings.

The owners of the sites are:

    The owner of the website is using a service to hide their identity

    Eric Goettman
    5042 Wilshire Blvd,, Los Angeles, CA-90036

    Edward Goettman
    7597 Melrose St, Buena Park, CA-90621
    Phone: +1.7142311641,

    Marcus Wahl
    6700 s 91st, Lincoln, Nebrasca, 68526
    (402) 770-0687,

    Marcus Wahl
    6700 s 91st, Lincoln, Nebrasca, 68526
    (402) 770-0687,

    The owner of the website is using a service to hide their identity

My dashboard after signing up for all the 6 sites: dashboard after signing up the 6 other sites

After signing up and surfing the pages i only received in sum $ 0.51 to my account. The promised $12 of the promotion are still missing: log about earnings for phase I log about login rewards

A screenshot of the paid to click offer from shows that you can earn only $0.01. All other PTC (Paid To Click) networks are at least offering $0.05 for their free members:

The poor PTC offer from

The domain registration data from

Domain Name:
Registry Domain ID:
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2015-08-07T20:41:16.000Z
Creation Date: 2013-05-17T16:04:27.000Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-05-17T16:04:27.000Z
Registrar: 1&1 Internet AG
Registrar IANA ID: 83
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.8774612631
Domain Status: ok
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Eric Goettman
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 5042 Wilshire Blvd
Registrant City: Los Angeles
Registrant State/Province: CA
Registrant Postal Code: 90036
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.8008150181
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Eric Goettman
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: 5042 Wilshire Blvd
Admin City: Los Angeles
Admin State/Province: CA
Admin Postal Code: 90036
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.8008150181
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Hostmaster ONEANDONE
Tech Organization: 1&1 Internet Inc.
Tech Street: 701 Lee Rd.
Tech Street: Suite 300
Tech City: Chesterbrook
Tech State/Province: PA
Tech Postal Code: 19087
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.8774612631
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax: +1.6105601501
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
DNSSEC: Unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2015-12-17T23:50:09Z <<<

It is nice from Eric Goettman to provide in his domain registration data one more domain, which is even carrying his family name. It is interesting what is written in the registration record from the domain

Domain Name:
Registry Domain ID: 95339871_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2011-08-23T00:56:11.000Z
Creation Date: 2003-02-27T21:50:49.000Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-02-27T21:50:49.000Z
Registrar: 1&1 Internet AG
Registrar IANA ID: 83
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.8774612631
Domain Status: ok
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Eric Goettman
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 5042 Wilshire Blvd
Registrant City: Los Angeles
Registrant State/Province: CA
Registrant Postal Code: 90036
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.8008150181
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Eric Goettman
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: 5042 Wilshire Blvd
Admin City: Los Angeles
Admin State/Province: CA
Admin Postal Code: 90036
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.8008150181
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Hostmaster ONEANDONE
Tech Organization: 1&1 Internet Inc.
Tech Street: 701 Lee Rd.
Tech Street: Suite 300
Tech City: Chesterbrook
Tech State/Province: PA
Tech Postal Code: 19087
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.8774612631
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax: +1.6105601501
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
DNSSEC: Unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2015-12-17T23:55:49Z <<<

We found the same Eric Goettman with the same address data and phone number.

Marcus WahlI cannot say if Eric Goettman and Edward Goettman are brothers or the same person. An Eric Goettman, however you write the name, does not get found in the social networks.

The only one, which gets found with a connection to, is at LinkedIn a person with the German sounding name Marcus Wahl. He calls himself to be a "Co Owner at" and provides in his profile that he is from Lincoln, Nebraska, US. To his LinkedIn profile are connected 68 contacts. That is for me a very small number of contacts for running multiple networks like,, and

For the reason of their lies in their advertisements and their business methods are all involved people from cashsurfingnetworks for me not trustful business partners. A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth. The first lies are getting found already in their advertisements.

Update May 4, 2016: If you follow up the discussion in the comments section then you'll find out that Eric Goettman pays the "FREE $12 SIGNUP BONUS" more or less to himself. This fact is now even declared at the splash page with the words "*2.00 is placed into each of the six traffic exchanges free". You can be sure that you need to upgrade your membership on each of the sites to get the $2.00 and the membership fee will be much higher than the "FREE" $2.00 because nobody can payout more than he is earning. This fact has not been written anywhere at the time I have signed up at and it has not been written in any email after signing up:

From: CashSurfingNetwork - Eric Goettman & Legacy Team <>
Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 1:11 PM
Subject: Your Free $12 Signup Bonus is Waiting! [Cash Surfing Network]

Login to CSN
Welcome Aboard!

CSN the First Questions You Might Have:
1. How to Surf and Find Your Affiliate Id:
2. How do I earn with CSN:
3. Promoting CSN for Money and Growing Your Business:
Login First:

Then Click Here:

The cash train is just getting started. On behalf of the member that sent you here, the Cash Surfing Network Team would like to welcome you. Our team is made up of Eric Goettman, the smart programmer, and the promotional sales side of Marcus Wahl (the wild video guy), Ken Locatelli, Rodney Hage, and the member that brought you here.

We saw the need to help internet people like yourself to earn money in traffic exchanges and related marketing. When the failure rate for people entering this market is 97% or higher we knew that our service was in need. Your in good hands, the Cash Surfing Network has its foundation on a three year+ old company. You got your free ticket to the Cash Train right let's get started!
You can go as fast as you want through the phases, but for the sake of simplicity we are going to break things down so we go nice and easy.

Phase I Benefits After Your Done Today
  • Free $12 Signup Bonus
  • Build Downlines in 6 Traffic Exchanges
  • Potential Commissions and Free Traffic
  • Ability to Surf 555 Pages at Each Traffic Exchange and Earn Guaranteed!
1. Login to the Cash Surfing Network

2. Click on the one click signups for the six traffic exchanges (unless you are already a member). This will sign you up to them.

3. Next login to each traffic exchange and get your referral id.Your referral id is the number at the end of your referral link.Your referral link will be found in the affiliate, affiliate toolbox, or promote tab.Your looking for the area where you can advertise for the traffic exchange to earn.

4. Lastly, place the ids into the correct boxes on your Cash Surfing Network page and press update.

5. Enter your Cash Surfing Network userid at each Traffic Exchange in the profile section or CSN Cash Log section.

Now you can advertise the Cash Surfing Network and build your downlines for potential commissions and free traffic. Wow that was easy right!

To advertise the cash surfing network just go to the affiliate toolbox tab at CSN(Cash Surfing Network) and grab your affiliate link.It will look like this:

...where YOURUSERID is your affiliate id number. Then you can be on your way to earning by advertising the Cash Surfing Network.

Video Recap: This is where I coach you quick and make sure your good to go.

That's it we'll see you soon.

Cash Surfing Network Team,
Eric Goettman, Marcus Wahl, Ken Locatelli, Rodney Hage


P.S. Grab the OTO and keep it locked in.You won't be disappointed ;)


5042 Wilshire Blvd #23566, Los Angeles, CA 90036, United States

One-Click Unsubscribe | Modify Email Preferences | Report Abuse
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Summary: Someone, who is running misleading promotions or promises something in a promotion what he cannot or don't like to fulfill, does not need to wonder himself to get called to be a scammer.


Scammer does not know in which state they are located

by Rudolf Faix 13. December 2015 11:14

It seems that Bux Proplus did have only the money for the domain registration and not the additional funds for a privacy protection service and for this they have invented their own privacy protection service. Like each scammer seems their brain not trained enough and that seems to be their largest problem now.

If we take a look at their domain registration data then we'll find the city New York which should be located in Florida and has a postcode from Dallas County, Texas. Additional they have a phone number from North Alabama. It seems that they really don't know where they are located.

A person can really not get called "ptc bux builder" and there is no company name provided. You can be sure that the domain registration data are nothing else than a fake like the whole website.

Here are the actual domain registration data from buxproplus:

Domain Name:
Registry Domain ID: 1977311251_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2015-12-11
Creation Date: 2015-11-08
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-11-08
Registrar: NameSilo, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 1479
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.6024928198
Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Status: clientRenewProhibited
Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: ptc bux builder
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: PO BOX 727
Registrant City: new york
Registrant State/Province: FL
Registrant Postal Code: 75230
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.2568403888
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: ptc bux builder
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: PO BOX 727
Admin City: new york
Admin State/Province: FL
Admin Postal Code: 75230
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.2568403888
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: ptc bux builder
Tech Organization:
Tech Street: PO BOX 727
Tech City: new york
Tech State/Province: FL
Tech Postal Code: 75230
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.2568403888
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
Last update of WHOIS database: 2015-12-13 01:05:01

Scamadvisor reports the following warnings about

Low Trust Rating. This Site May Not Be Safe to Use.
Registered contact email address is a free one
Technical contact email address is a free one
Administrative contact email address is a free one
This Site Maybe Linked With Other Risky Sites
This website is 34 Days old
The website expected life (366 days) is relatively short.
The website appears to be less than six months old

Additional has the scammer his first payment proof listed on November 9, 2015 at 10:44am and the domain got created on the same day. I think that everybody knows that it is impossible to earn $4 or $10 within hours on a new Paid To Click (PTC) site:

Screenshot of the payment proof on the day the domain got created

Someone which is using wrong addresses on his domain registration is not trustful. Everybody who invest into such a fraud company is guilty by himself if he gets scammed.

Update January 26, 2015: At the time I have written the above article I have filed a complaint about the wrong domain registration address at the ICANN too. Yesterday I got the reply that the domain got shutdown from the ICANN because even the registrar did not find them already. Here is the information email from the ICANN:

From: <>
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 1:38 PM
Subject: [#SLH-067-22550]: Whois Inaccuracy complaint re: closed

Dear Rudolf Faix,

Thank you for submitting a Whois Inaccuracy complaint concerning the domain name ICANN has reviewed and closed your complaint because:

- Based on the current Whois data, the domain was suspended when the complaint was received by ICANN, or the registrar demonstrated that it took reasonable steps to investigate the Whois inaccuracy claim by suspending, deleting, cancelling or otherwise deactivating the domain name.

ICANN considers this matter now closed. If you have reason to believe that your complaint should not be closed, please forward this e-mail along with any other relevant information to ICANN Contractual Compliance at . ICANN will review your submission and, if appropriate, forward it to the registrar to ensure compliance.

Please do not reply to this email (replies to closed complaints are not monitored by ICANN staff).

ICANN is requesting your feedback on this closed complaint. Please complete this optional survey at (Link parameter removed).


ICANN Contractual Compliance

Think how trustful the offer has been as even the registrar from has not been able to get in contact with them. Think also about it how a complaint from your site will get handled by such scammers if you have one.


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Fraud & Scam declares themselves to be a scam and Ponzi scheme

by Rudolf Faix 28. November 2015 06:44

Easy Money Systemz LogoWith their email from November 27, 2015 are declaring the owner of the domain themselves to run a Ponzi sheme and to be scammer. As is not able to sell advertisings they try now to earn money with membership fees. I wish them in any case a happy bankruptcy party.

The fact is that they have changed their terms and conditions without a prior notice for every member. This is against the European Cosumer Protection Law. In such a case where a company is changing their terms and conditions they have to announce it within an acceptable timeframe and for the case that someone does not accept the changed term and condition they are allowed to terminate the contract with an compensation for the consumer if he loses something. In the case of would it be to pay the actual balance to the user. It even does not matter in such a case if the users are under the minimum payout or not. The consumer protection law does not make any difference between a paid and a free member from a site. As Easy Money Systemz (EMS) does not care about the law makes them already not trustworthy and shows that EMS is even no company. It seems that only script kiddies are running the site.

Let us take first a look at the changes which EMS has announced:

Easy Money Systemz Admin <> Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 11:19 AM
Reply-To: Easy Money Systemz Admin <>
To: "" <>
Hello Everyone,

Mike and I would like to announce that will have changed the payment processor withdraw amounts up to satisfy all our happy and successful members and to make it more rewarding for you the members of our every growing PTC Site..

We are glad to say we are heading in the right direction within EMS.. upward and onward to better outcomes for for everyone :)

So what does that mean for you...The members:
Withdrawal time frame is set at 7 day(s) between each withdraw.
And money limits have increased as follows:

FREE-you will need to upgrade to BRONZE to make your first withdrawal from EMS

Bronze-$3.75 is the withdraw minimum also the maximum withdraw is now $10. You can do this every 7 days.

Silver, Gold, Platinum - $3.75 is the withdraw minimum also the maximum withdraw is now $25. You can do this every 7 days.

Emerald-$3.00 is the withdraw minimum also the maximum withdraw is now $50. You can do this every 7 days.

Sapphire-$3.00 is the withdraw minimum also the maximum withdraw is now $50. You can do this every 7 days.

Elite-$3.00 is the withdraw minimum also the maximum withdraw is now $75. You can do this every 7 days.

Premium-$3.00 is the withdraw minimum also the maximum withdraw is now $75. You can do this every 7 days.

Ultimate-$2.50 is the withdraw minimum, also the maximum withdraw is now $100. You can do this every 7 days

Ultimate Pro-$2.00 is the withdraw minimum ...also the maximum withdraw is now $100 every 7 days

To your on going happiness and success within EMS

Mike and John EMS Owners

P.S Remember there is only a few hours left to grab some crazy Black Friday 28th deals until Midnight tonight!!

Special Packs all at a 50% discount....Grab them now before they are all gone...

Check out the EMS Revenue Shares right here.. REVENUE SHARES is now a whopping 4.75% on all levels until midnight tonight Black Friday 28Th

EMS Special Mega Packages It's all found RIGHT HERE..

If you are taking a look at the above statements you'll get it easily that EMS (Earn Money Systems) shall only generate money for the owners. This fact would not be bad because everybody likes to earn money. The problem is only the way they have chosen with misleading promotion and the selling of memberships for giving nothing in return to their members. They even like to earn with their paid to click system from their members.

Advertising agencies are not taking advantage from Paid To Click (PTC) offers. For this reason the PTC providers are advertising themselves and other providers. This is a zero sum game in this kind of industry. For the advertising agencies is it important that users with interest on the product and with enough money to buy the product are clicking on their advertisements. Users which getting paid for watching their promotion have no interest in the product. Such PTC users are only watching the advertisement for the reason that they get paid and will not buy the product. This fact can get easily seen in the Alexa statistics by looking at the part from the countries where the visitors are coming to the site

Alexa Visitor by Country statistics about

The only country with a little better income situation listed above is Croatia. All other countries from the above list are called "low wage" countries. Not one member from all the listed countries will buy a product which he does not really need from an advertising over the Internet.

The fact that their visitors are coming from other PTC sites and from their stupid members, which are thinking that they can get rich by using their system gets shown if we take a look at the Alexa statistics "Upstream Sites":

Alexa Statistics Upstream Sites

The above statistics shows that at least 11.6% of senseless traffic is coming from other traffic exchange sites like, and Only 3% of their traffic is getting generated from the misleading promotion on Facebook from their members and from themselves. This fact shows only that the Facebook users are not so stupid as they are thinking.

From all of their traffic are 4% traffic from Google, but only 1.5% is traffic from the Google search. In the Alexa Search Traffic statistics get shown that even at least 29.14% from the search traffic gets generated from bots. Or does someone believe that one user is searching for "ems ptc", "easy money systemz" or their website name?

Alexa statistics Search traffic for

As not one advertising agency or any real company is advertising at their site are they not able to trade with regular advertisings. They are only exchanging in exchange some other PTC (Paid To Click) sites. This is a zero sum game and does not generate an income for the owner of the site. The only income for them is the membership fees, rented referrals, bought referrals and maybe some other scam offers.

I have been a free member from November 2 until November 27 because I liked to try such offers and report afterwards about it. I'm not investing any money in such systems. I'm only testing the free membership and not more in such a case. During my membership time EMS has even reduced the highest Paid To Click rate from $0.01 to $0.007. During these 26 days I have been able to collect a sum of $1.8490 (nearly one dollar and ninety cents). More has been not possible because there did not got more advertisements got shown. If we calculate it for 30 days then the possible earnings for 30 days are around $2.10.

With the changes of their terms and conditions you'll make in any case a loss as a free member because you need to buy a membership for at least $2.75 for 30 days that you can get paid. Remember the sentence "FREE-you will need to upgrade to BRONZE to make your first withdrawal from EMS" from their email. As you get only 5% from your direct referrals earnings you'll need at least 8 referrals for working for free for Easy Money Systemz. You are even not able to use your earnings for buying the membership, to rent or to buy referrals. That makes the complete system not trustworthy and to a scam. As they are not able to earn something by selling advertisements are they in need of money for paying earlier investors, which got cought by dream ROI and earning rates. This is called to be a Ponzi scheme.

As scammer are too lazy to use their brain this scammer is even promoting his statistics:

Easy Money Systemz statistics

I think that his members are not really happy as show in the following calculation:

$16,448.34 paid money divided by 60,574 unhappy members gives in average a payout of $0.27 per user since one years the domain is active. There can get nothing found which can make members happy!

I replied to their change in the rules and conditions like seen below:

Rudolf Faix <> Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 12:35 PM
To: Easy Money Systemz Admin <>
Thanks that you are declaring yourself as a Ponzi scheme and a scam site: "FREE-you will need to upgrade to BRONZE to make your first withdrawal from EMS"
Bottom line: If there is a fee, it is a SCAM

The only response I got is shown at the following screenshot:

For the case someone has been so stupid and invested in this scam system he should stop as soon as possibe and shall try to get his money back.

Such a good service needs to hide their domain ownership by a Identity Protection service. The overwhelming users can kill the domainowner and for this he needs to hide himself in anonymity:

Registry Domain ID: 1880178273_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2015-10-23T00:00:00Z
Creation Date: 2014-10-13T00:00:00Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-10-13T00:00:00Z
Registrar IANA ID: 1515
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.8779770099
Reseller: 123Reg/Webfusion
Domain Status: ok
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Identity Protection Service
Registrant Organization: Identity Protect Limited
Registrant Street: PO Box 795
Registrant City: Godalming
Registrant State/Province: Surrey
Registrant Postal Code: GU7 9GA
Registrant Country: GB
Registrant Phone: +44.1483307527
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax: +44.1483304031
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Identity Protection Service
Admin Organization: Identity Protect Limited
Admin Street: PO Box 795
Admin City: Godalming
Admin State/Province: Surrey
Admin Postal Code: GU7 9GA
Admin Country: GB
Admin Phone: +44.1483307527
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax: +44.1483304031
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Identity Protection Service
Tech Organization: Identity Protect Limited
Tech Street: PO Box 795
Tech City: Godalming
Tech State/Province: Surrey
Tech Postal Code: GU7 9GA
Tech Country: GB
Tech Phone: +44.1483307527
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax: +44.1483304031
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
Name Server:
Name Server:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2015-11-28T00:16:53Z <<<

As I have written before already are scammer even too lazy to think and so this scammer has forgotten that he has registered the domain before hiring the Identity protection service the domain under the name Mike Sherratt and he likes to be successful to build his dreams. The dreams from others are not really important:

Whois Lookup Date: 10-21-14
Registry Domain ID:
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2014-10-13T00:00:00Z
Creation Date: 2014-10-13T00:00:00Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-10-13T00:00:00Z
Registrar IANA ID: 1515
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.8779770099
Reseller: 123Reg/Webfusion
Domain Status: ok
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Mike Sherratt
Registrant Organization: Success Dream Builders
Registrant Street: 166
Registrant City: warrington
Registrant State/Province: cheshire
Registrant Postal Code: WA1 3SP
Registrant Country: GB
Registrant Phone: +44.7814245199
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Mike Sherratt
Admin Organization: Success Dream Builders
Admin Street: 166
Admin City: warrington
Admin State/Province: cheshire
Admin Postal Code: WA1 3SP
Admin Country: GB
Admin Phone: +44.7814245199
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Webfusion Limited
Tech Organization:
Tech Street: 5 Roundwood Avenue
Tech City: Stockley Park
Tech State/Province: Uxbridge
Tech Postal Code: UB11 1FF
Tech Country: GB
Tech Phone: +44.3454502310
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:
Name Server:
Name Server:
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2014-10-22T02:09:15Z <<<




I'm since more then 35 years in the computer business (programming and technical support) and using the Internet since it has started. Since 2002 I'm programming solutions for Asterisk and since 2004 I'm in the call center industry.


All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. By browsing or using content from this site you accept the full legal disclaimer of this website.

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